A estas alturas y con el calor que ya tenemos casi que no pega subir mi mantita al blog. La tengo acabada desde hace más de un mes excepto por los flecos que quedan en la parte de atrás. De tamaño es igual que las que les regalé a mi hermana y a mi padre en Navidades.
Tres mantas acabadas este año! Creo que no está mal.
This blanket is mine. It is the third blaket I made (finished) this year and is for me. I did already make two this year: one for my sister and for my father for Christmas. I am really happy about it. I finished almost two months ago but I am still dealing with loose ends. The thing is that it is already hot here in Málaga and I don't think I'am going to use it until October or November so I will probably store it until then.