Esta última semana he estado trabajando mucho en este chal para poder tenerlo terminado antes del día 26 de julio. ¿Por qué? Porque era el Santo de mi madre y este ha sido su regalo.
Lástima que en las fotos no se vea el color real de la madeja que he utilizado. Es una madeja de la marca Mondial y es de algodón. Ha sido una gloria trabajar con ella.
Elegí este diseño que no había probado antes y que me pareció que podía quedar bien. Hice también un borde alrededor del dibujo para darle algo más de gracia al chal.
Estoy bastante contenta con el resultado.
Last week I worked real hard on this shawl so I could finish it in time. This is a present for my mother. It is a green shawl for the summer. As I told you in the post before Thursday was Saint Ana and it was our day as we are both name Ana. In Spain we still celebrate this kind of things with presents and cake, just like a birthday. Some names are more popular than others. I am always amaze to see how many people remember that is Saint Ana and congratulate us on our day.
It is a pity you cannot see the real colour because it is a very beatiful dark green. The yarn was Mondial and it was cotton. It's being really nice to work with this yarn.
I am quite happy with the result and so is my mother.
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