El pan están en estos momentos en la rejilla enfriándose. La foto está tomada recién sacado del horno. Se nota que hace más frío porque le ha costado más tiempo la segunda fermentación.
La masa la he mezclado esta mañana antes de ir a trabajar. Lleva: 200 gr de masa madre de centeno integral al 100% refrescada la noche anterior, 200 gr. harina de centeno blanca, 300 gr. de harina de trigo blanco, 350 gr. de agua y 10 gr. de sal. Mezclé, tapé el cuenco y lo metí en el frigo antes de salir de la casa.
He llegado a las 4 de la tarde y he sacado el bol de la nevera. Lo he tenido fuera atemperando alrededor de una hora. He formado, aunque me ha costado trabajo porque la masa se pegaba mucho, y lo he dejado en el banneton durante unas dos horas y media.
Horno a 250º, cubitos de hielo y unos 50 minutos. Al final he bajado la temperatura a 220º.
This is the bread for the weekend. 200 gr. rye brown leaven or sourdough at 100%, 200 gr. white rye flour, 300 gr. white flour (strong), 350 gr water and 10 gr salt.
The leaven was refreshed yesterday evening and left in the kitchen the whole night so it was this morning at its best. When I say "at 100%" it means that it has the same amount of flour and water, which means that for example to a spoon of leaven I added 100 gr brown rye flour and 100 gr water. I've mixed everything this morning before going to work. Put a lid over the bowl and left it in the fridge.
When I came back around 4 pm, I took it out of the fridge and let it warm an hour. After that I shape the bread and it was a bit difficult because the dough was very sticky. Then left it for two hours and half covered in a banneton.
Oven at 250º C, some ice on the base to create steam and put the dough in the oven for 50 minutes.
The picture was taken just when I took the bread out of the oven. It is now cooling on a rack.
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